
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第194页

偏航条款deviation clause (DC)详细»
偏重于对外贸易的经济增长foreign trade-biased growth详细»
停 工lockout;stop work;stoppage of work;shutdown;work stoppage;downer;stoppage详细»
停业公司defunct company详细»
停业损失loss form suspension详细»
停业清理go into liquidation详细»
停业状况close-down case详细»
停产成本shutdown cost详细»
停付利息stoppage of interest详细»
停付资金的恢复支付resumption of payment of suspended funds详细»
停办企业relinquishing of business详细»
停工减产suspending operation or slashing production详细»
停工工厂standing factory详细»
停工成本inactivity cost;shutdown cost详细»
停工时间,停机时间breakdown time;downtime;idle time;off-time;stoppage time;waiting time详细»
停工时间成本idle time cost详细»
停工时间补充率,停工时间补充工资率idle time supplementary rate详细»
停工期工资idle time pay详细»
停工检修时间down period详细»
停工津贴allowance for work stoppage详细»
停工维修shutdown maintenance详细»
停建缓建项目suspend or cancel projects;projects were suspended or deferred详细»
停放分析analysis of materials'' placement详细»
停机费用idleness expense详细»
停歇机器时间idle machine time详细»
停止交易withhold business;close an account with详细»
停止偿付transfer moratorium详细»
停止办公(电传用语)absent (ABS)详细»
停止委托stop order详细»
停止托运stoppage of consignment详细»