翻译 | 详细 |
失业am out of a job;am out of job;are out of a job;are out of job;unemployment;was out of a job;was out of job;were out of a job;were out of job | 详细» |
失事had an accident;has an accident;have an accident;meet an accident;meets an accident;met an accident;with an accident;wreckage | 详细» |
失利gave ground;give ground;given ground;gives ground;lose ground;loses ground;lost ground | 详细» |
失去atrophy | 详细» |
失去平衡am out of balance;are out of balance;was out of balance;were out of balance | 详细» |
失去效能的燃料spent fuel | 详细» |
失去知觉anesthesia | 详细» |
失常abberration;aberration | 详细» |
失控核链式反应runaway nuclear chain reaction | 详细» |
失效fault | 详细» |
失望disappointment | 详细» |
失水试验water loss test | 详细» |
失活deactivation | 详细» |
失真衰减量klirr attenuation;klirrattenuation | 详细» |
失能分析energy-loss analysis | 详细» |
失败cave in;cavein;failure;miscarriage;slipup | 详细» |
失败主义者defeatist | 详细» |
失配mistermination | 详细» |
失重性weightlessness | 详细» |
头发hair | 详细» |
头室cephalis | 详细» |
头尾连结end to end | 详细» |
头条新闻中的事件topliner | 详细» |
头等的first grade | 详细» |
头脑brain;skull | 详细» |
头部尖顶ogive | 详细» |
宿主地层host formation | 详细» |
宿命论者determinist;fatalist | 详细» |
寂静quietude | 详细» |
寄存行李left luggage;leftluggage | 详细» |