翻译 | 详细 |
肾盂肾炎固缩肾pyelcnephritic contracted kidney | 详细» |
肾盂肾石切除术pyelonephrolithotomy | 详细» |
肾盂肿瘤tumor of renal pelvis | 详细» |
肾盂膀胱吻合术pyelocystanastomosis;pyelocystomosis;pyelocystostomy | 详细» |
肾盂输尿管吻合术pyeloureterostomy;ureteropyelostomy | 详细» |
肾盂输尿管扩张pyeloureterectasis | 详细» |
肾盂输尿管炎pyeloureteritis | 详细» |
肾盂输尿管连接处梗阻obstruction at ureteropelvic junction | 详细» |
肾盂造口术pelviostomy;pyelostomy | 详细» |
肾盂造影术pyelography | 详细» |
肾盂镜pyeloscope | 详细» |
肾盂间质回流pyelointerstitial backflow | 详细» |
肾盂静脉曲张varicose vein of renal pelvis | 详细» |
肾盂鳞状上皮癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis | 详细» |
肾盏囊肿calyceal cyst | 详细» |
肾盏扩大calyectasis | 详细» |
肾盏积水hydrocalycosis;hydrocalyx | 详细» |
肾盏积脓pyocalix;pyocalyx | 详细» |
肾直小管straight renal tubules;tubuli renales recti | 详细» |
肾着affection of the kidney by cold-dampness | 详细» |
肾石病nephrolithiasis | 详细» |
肾破裂rupture of kidney | 详细» |
肾硬化的nephrosclerotic | 详细» |
肾神经节ganglia renalia;renal ganglia | 详细» |
肾积水hydronephrosis | 详细» |
肾移植术renal transplantation | 详细» |
肾精acquired essence;genital essence;the kidney-essence | 详细» |
肾素feritin;renin | 详细» |
肾素-血管紧张素系统renin-angiotensin system | 详细» |
肾素活性renin activity | 详细» |