
电力专业汉英词典 电力专业英语词典 电力英语词典 电力英语词汇 电力专业词典 电力英语专业词典

电力专业汉英词典 第174页

增量负荷偏差incremental load deviation详细?
增长出力increased output详细?
增音中继站amplifying relay station详细?
增音机gain set详细?
增音机调线架repeater distribution frame详细?
增音站relay station;repeater office详细?
rest pier详细?
墩身pier shaft详细?
壁灯wall fitting;wall lamp详细?
壅水水位retention elevation详细?
声信号acoustic signal;whistling signal详细?
声光报警装置sound and light alarm device详细?
声分析器sound analyser详细?
声动力效应acoustodynamic effect详细?
声压sound pressure详细?
声压级sound pressure level详细?
声压谐振pressure resonance详细?
声反射器sound reflector详细?
声反馈回路audio feedback circuit详细?
声响探向器acoustic direction finder详细?
声场校准sound field calibration详细?
声存储器acoustic memory;acoustic storage;sonic storage详细?
声容acoustic capacitance详细?
声屏蔽acoustic screen详细?
声干扰whistle interference详细?
声延迟线sonic delay line详细?
声强intensity of sound;sound intensity详细?
声强测量器ac. series motor详细?
声抗acoustic reactance详细?
声振荡acoustic vibration详细?