
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第36页

advance sales of house property房产预售详细?
advanced age allowance高龄津贴详细?
advanced legal culture先进法文化详细?
advanced worker先进生产者详细?
advancement of process technology工艺技术进步详细?
advances on sales预收货款详细?
advantageous优惠 ,有利〔形容词〕详细?
adversary对方 ,对方当事人〔名词〕详细?
adversary proceedings辩论式诉讼 ,辩论主义诉讼程序,当事人主义诉讼程序详细?
adversary system of Japan日本式当事人主义诉讼详细?
adverse balance of trade逆差 ,入超详细?
adverse cultural environment factors of crime犯罪的不良文化因素详细?
adverse evidence不利证据详细?
adverse party敌方 ,他方当事人详细?
adverse selection逆选择详细?
adverse witness敌对证人 ,相反证人详细?
advertise for招聘〔动词〕详细?
advertisement by postal matters邮寄广告详细?
advice建议 ,劝告,通知,建议案〔名词〕详细?
advice of arrival到货通知详细?
advice of authority to pay授权付款通知书详细?
advice of bill collected票据收款通知详细?
advice of circumstance preventing carriage载运受阻通知书详细?
advice of commutation减刑建议详细?
advice of drawing提款通知 ,支票通知书详细?
advice of nonacceptance拒绝承兑通知详细?
advice of payment通知付款 ,付款通知〔名词〕详细?
advice of receipt收款通知详细?
advice of shortage短装通知书详细?