
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第1页

一包a bundle of;a pack of详细»
一半时间half the time详细»
一去不复返be gone with the wind详细»
一双a pair of详细»
一发出信号即at the drop of a hat详细»
一口一口地连续抽烟pull at详细»
一口气at a breath;at a sitting;at a stretch;at one push;with the same breath详细»
一口气地at a draught;in one reath详细»
一吐为快off her chest;off their chest;off your chest详细»
一周接一周地week after week详细»
一味追求吃喝made a god of her belly;made a god of his belly;made a god of my belly;made a god of our bellies;made a god of the belly;made a god of their bellies;made a god of your bellies;made a god of your belly;make a god of her belly详细»
一团糟be balled up;confusion worse confounded;confusion worse confourned详细»
一块a block of;a cake of;a patch of;a piece of;a sheet of详细»
一壶a kettle of详细»
一大半the better part详细»
一大堆a flock of;a mass of;swarm of详细»
一大片in sheets详细»
一大队an army of详细»
一天一地from day to day详细»
一天一次once a day详细»
一天到晚day out详细»
一天天day after day;day by day详细»
一头之先by the head〔名词〕详细»
一头扎进jump into详细»
一套a set of;suite详细»
一套钻头drill set详细»
一如既注true to form详细»
一字不错地熟记的word perfect详细»
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