
环境专业汉英词典 环境专业英语词典 环境英语词典 环境英语词汇 环境专业词典 环境英语专业词典

环境专业汉英词典 第63页

不随意肌involuntary muscle详细»
不需氧脱氢酶anaerobic dehydrogenase详细»
不饱合聚酯树脂unsaturated polyester resin详细»
不饱和度degree of unsaturation详细»
不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated fatty acid详细»
与...一致am in accord with;am in agreement with;are in accord with;are in agreement with;in conformity to;in conformity with;in touch with;is in accord with;is in agreement with;was in accord with;was in agreement with;were in agreement with详细»
与...不同相am out of phase with;are out of phase with;is out of phase with;was out of phase with;were out of phase with详细»
与...不相称bear no relation to详细»
与...不致am out of accord with;are out of accord with;is out of accord with;was out of accord with;were out of accord with详细»
与...串联in series with详细»
与...冲突in conflict with详细»
与...反相am of opposite phase to;are of opposite phase to;is of opposite phase to;was of opposite phase to;were of opposite phase to详细»
与...同步am in step with;are in step with;is in step with;was in step with;were in step with详细»
与...同等on a par with详细»
与...在相位上相差1/4周期am in quadrature with;are in quadrature with;is in quadrature with;was in quadrature with;were in quadrature with详细»
与...对比by contrast to;by contrast with;in contradistinction from;in contradistinction to;in contrast to;in contrast with详细»
与...并行go hand in hand with;goes hand in hand with;gone hand in hand with;went hand in hand with详细»
与...成θ角度at an angle of θ to;at an angle of θ with;made an angle of θ with;make an angle of θ with;makes an angle of θ with详细»
与...成正比am in direct proportion to;are in direct proportion to;is in direct proportion to;was in direct proportion to;were in direct proportion to详细»
与...接触made contact with;make contact with;makes contact with详细»
与...有共同之处in common with详细»
与...有密切联系in close relationship with详细»
与...有相似之处bear analogy to;had analogy to;had analogy with;has analogy to;has analogy with;have analogy to;have analogy with详细»
与...步调一致am in step with;are in step with;is in step with;was in step with;were in step with详细»
与...毫无关系am out of all relation to;are out of all relation to;bear no relation to;had nothing to do with;has nothing to do with;have nothing to do with;is out of all relation to详细»
与...相似bear a resemblance to详细»
与...相合in harmony with详细»