
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业英汉词典 第33页

advance payment for services预付劳务费用详细»
advance payment guarantee预付款保证金详细»
advance payment of income tax预缴所得税详细»
advance payments for future purchases预购定金详细»
advance price预付价格,涨价详细»
advance received on contract按合同预收款项详细»
advance remittance预付汇款详细»
advance sample先发样品详细»
advance settlement of exchange预缴外汇详细»
advance settlement of export foreign exchange预缴出口外汇详细»
advance surrender of export exchange预缴出口外汇详细»
advance to affiliates预付联属公司款详细»
advance to subcontractor分包人预支款详细»
advance to workers and staff职工预支详细»
advanced capital预付资本,垫支资本详细»
advanced course提高班,提高型课程详细»
advanced deposits预付押金详细»
advanced fixation certifications事先订价证明详细»
advanced norm先进定额详细»
advanced order预先定货,预定单详细»
advanced price已上涨的价格详细»
advanced receipt预收款详细»
advanced repayment of credit提前偿还贷款详细»
advanced total capital垫付总资本详细»
advances for work in process and construction materials预付工料款项详细»
advances from the consignees承销人预付款详细»
advances ratio放款比率,放款利率详细»
advancing import deposit进口存款预交制详细»
advantageous terms of payment有利的付款条件详细»