
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第175页

动产抵押据bill of sale详细»
动产收入税tax on income from movable capital详细»
动力成本power cost详细»
动力消耗量power consumption详细»
动力设备power plant;power devices;power facility详细»
动力车间成本power plant cost详细»
动用库存draw on stock详细»
动用预备费using reserve funds详细»
助忆编号法[存货等]mnemonic system详细»
助理会计员junior accountants详细»
助理出纳员assistant cashier (AC)详细»
助理经济师assistant economic managers详细»
劫夺性公司raider company详细»
劳保医疗labor protection medical care详细»
劳保,劳动保险labor insurance详细»
劳务价格price of labor service详细»
劳务帐service account详细»
劳务收入service receipts;labor income;sales of service详细»
劳务费service charge;fees for hiring services;fee for labor service;labor service fee;cost of service详细»
劳动争议labor dispute详细»
劳动保护labor protection详细»
劳动力labor force;manpower;work force;labor power详细»
劳动力利用率utilization rate of labor power详细»
劳动力培养费用expenses for work-force training详细»
劳动力平衡表balance sheet of labor force;work force balance graph详细»
劳动力的平均价格average price of labor详细»
劳动力补偿compensation of labor详细»
劳动力调配表man-assignment schedule详细»
劳动力资本比,劳动与资本比率labor-capital ratio详细»