
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第1页

一、二、三类农副产品agricultural and sideline products under Categories I,II and III详细»
一人公司one-man business详细»
一人操作one-man operation详细»
一体化效应衡量measurement of integration effect详细»
一体化的成本降低效应cost decreasing effect of integration详细»
一元产权形式form of a monistic property rights详细»
一元现值present value of 1 yuan详细»
一元的本利和amount of 1 yuan详细»
一切其他风险all other peril详细»
一切海损均不赔free of all average (FAA)详细»
一切海洋运输险all marine risk详细»
一切险all-risks;all-risk insurance详细»
一切险保险,一切险all risks insurance;all risks详细»
一千小时条款one thousand hour clause详细»
一天贷款day loan详细»
一套投标文件set of tender documents详细»
一定期限内的投资限额capital rationing详细»
一定量的商品given commodity详细»
一年一度实地盘点once-a-year physical count详细»
一年为期的定期存款deposits of one-year maturity详细»
一年内到期之长期负债current maturity of long-term debt详细»
一年期证券 [英国地方政府发行的证券]yearling详细»
一律拉平财产分配hard and fast rules were imposed to even out the differences in income and property (among rich and poor teams详细»
一户一率的调节税adjustment tax with different rates for different enterprises;(the state had to) levy an adjustment tax (on larger and medium state-owned enterprises) with the rate varying by enterprise详细»
一手钱、一手货cash on sale详细»
一揽子交易package deal详细»
一揽子投资packaged investment详细»
一揽子支付pay in full详细»
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