
经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典

经贸专业汉英词典 第132页

付款通知书advice of charge;bill of credit;notice of payment详细»
付款银行payor bank详细»
付款附加费用expenses incidental to payment详细»
付款额in payment of;payments;pst.详细»
付清帐pay the reckoning详细»
付清帐目clean account详细»
付清贷款本息net payoff详细»
付现for cash;on the barrelhead;payment in cash详细»
付现成本out of pocket costs详细»
付现无折扣cash without discount详细»
付现线pay ready money详细»
付租费pay for the hire of详细»
付税务长deputy commissioner详细»
付经理deputy manager详细»
付给受益人款distributions to incomem beneficiaries详细»
付股息后净收益net income after dividends详细»
付讫full paid;pd详细»
付讫支票paid up cheque详细»
付账银行paying bank详细»
付足paid up;paidup详细»
付还银行reimburse bank详细»
付高价pay heavy price;pay through the nose详细»
in lien of详细»
代付pay for another详细»
代价出售under selling详细»
代价高的胜利costly victory详细»
代入消去法elimination by substitution详细»
代办人public agent详细»
代办短期贷款的经纪人money broker详细»
代号code name;code number详细»