
经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典

经贸专业汉英词典 第99页

事务图transaction diagram详细»
事务室clerk ''s office详细»
事务工作的检查inspection in clerical operation详细»
事务所用具furniture and office appliances详细»
事务用计算机office machine详细»
事务管理clerical work control详细»
事务组织functional control详细»
事务部门back office详细»
事后偿付ex post payoff详细»
事后分层抽样post stratified sample详细»
事后审计post audit详细»
事后成本after cost;aftercost详细»
事后承兑post acceptance;postacceptance详细»
事后机率posterior probadility详细»
事后检查核对post mortem check详细»
事后的欺诈supervening fraud详细»
事后行为post factum详细»
事后计算的投资与储蓄恒等关系ex post identity详细»
事后调查post survey详细»
事后转储post mortem dump详细»
事实上as a matter of face;as a matter of fact;in fact;in nature;in point of fact;in reality详细»
事实上承认de facto recognition详细»
事实上的争点issue of fact详细»
事实事物fact object详细»
事实报告factual report详细»
事实的matter of fact详细»
事情状况condition of affairs详细»
事故保险accident insurance详细»
事故分析报告failure analysis report详细»
事故性质nature of occurrence详细»