翻译 | 详细 |
不履行合同条件的贷款nonperforming loans | 详细» |
不带股息ex dividend | 详细» |
不干预经济学hands-off economics | 详细» |
不平衡发展unbalanced development | 详细» |
不平衡的财政unbalanced finance | 详细» |
不平衡经济增长unbalanced economic growth | 详细» |
不应由法院解决的纠纷nonjustifiable dispute | 详细» |
不开放的海港close port | 详细» |
不当得利illegal profit;unjust enrichment;ill-gotten gains;undue enrichment unjustified benefit;unfair advantage | 详细» |
不当的付给illegal payment | 详细» |
不当积累improper accumulation | 详细» |
不往返、经停中国内地的定期航班scheduled air services do not operate to,from or through the mainland of China | 详细» |
不得转让的unassignable | 详细» |
不必经过批准的预算调整automatic changes of budgeting | 详细» |
不怕不识货、只怕货比货comparisons are odious | 详细» |
不惜工本spare neither labor nor money;at all costs;spare no expense;spare no cost;at any cost | 详细» |
不懂业务的干部executives who have no professional expertise | 详细» |
不成文社会法规unwritten social rules | 详细» |
不成比例组含量disproportionate class numbers | 详细» |
不扣减免赔额,不能扣减的免赔额nondeductible franchise | 详细» |
不承担义务noncommitted;free from commitment;make no commitment;not commitoneself;without engagement | 详细» |
不承担市场风险impunity from market risks | 详细» |
不承担责任irresponsibility | 详细» |
不承认价值规律的调节作用leaving no chance for the law of value to play a regulatory role | 详细» |
不折不扣的公平分配劳动所得undiminished,fair distribution of the proceeds of labor | 详细» |
不抽样unsample | 详细» |
不拆车修理nondetaching repair of cars | 详细» |
不指定用途的财政补贴unconditional grants | 详细» |
不按次序演算法out-of-kilter algorithm | 详细» |
不提供信息的先验分布noninformative prior distribution | 详细» |