
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第78页

五地套利five-point arbitrage详细»
五大教育five kinds of higher education,i.e.,broadcasting and television university education,workers'' university education,workers'' spare-time university education,evening university education,and correspondence university education详细»
五好干部、六好职工five-good cadre and six-good workers and staff详细»
五年一次的估价(决定财产税征收额)quinquennial valuation详细»
五年保证年金条款five-year guarantee pensions详细»
五毒行为five-evil capitalist practices详细»
五点评价制five-fold grading system详细»
五讲四美三热爱活动national-wide campaign for the "five traditional standards," "four beautifications" and "three loves详细»
五金市场metal market详细»
五金股份公司(德国)Metallgesellschaft AG详细»
五风(共产风、浮夸风、瞎指挥风、命令风、特殊风)tendencies to effect the transition to communism prematurely,to exaggerate,to order about arbitrarily,to rely on commandism,and to behave as the privileged详细»
井下充填工(采矿)pillar man;pillar packer;waller;pack builder;packer详细»
井下消防站(采矿)fire station;fireman''s cabin详细»
井内罢工(矿工)stay-down strike详细»
井场管理费field overhead详细»
井巷工程(采矿)sinking and driving engineering详细»
井底矿仓shaft pocket详细»
井田制nine square" system of land ownership in ancient China with one large square divided into nine small ones,the eight outer ones being allocated to serfs who had to cultivate the central one for the serf owner详细»
井筒掘进shaft excavation详细»
亚利桑那峡谷国民银行 (美国)Valley National Bank of Arizona详细»
亚太地区国际贸易博览会Asia Pacific International Trade Fair详细»
亚成熟形态immature form详细»
亚洲再保险公司Asia Reinsurance Company详细»
亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)详细»
亚洲及远东经济委员会国际商务仲裁规则ECAFE Rules for International Commercial Arbitration详细»
亚洲太平洋理事会Asian-Pacific Council详细»
亚洲开发基金Asian Development Fund (ADF)详细»
亚洲清算联盟Asian Clearing Union详细»
亚洲管理组织协会Asian Association of Management Organization详细»