
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第8页

一般贷款ordinary loan详细»
一般费用general expense;general cost详细»
一般资产阶级制度bourgeois system in general详细»
一般资本主义国家ordinary run of capitalist countries详细»
一般过失ordinary negligence详细»
一般销售税general sales tax详细»
一般问题解决者general problem solver详细»
一般间断模型general discretized model详细»
一角商店 (出售廉价商品的商店)dime store详细»
一贯制会计single system accounting详细»
一贯育肥法 (畜牧)consistent high-nourishment rearing method详细»
一部分人先富裕起来allow part of the population to become better-off first;allowing some people to become well-off first详细»
一部门增长模型one-sector growth model详细»
一阶修正量first-order correction详细»
一阶因素分析first-order factor analysis详细»
一阶差分变换first difference transformation详细»
一阶差分法first difference method详细»
一阶效应first-order effects详细»
一阶段抽样one-stage sampling详细»
一阶自回归方程first-order autoregressive equation详细»
一阶设计first-order design详细»
一阶马尔可夫型first-order Markov scheme详细»
一阶马尔可夫过程first-order Markov process详细»
一齐涨价all-round advance详细»
丁伯根模型Tinbergen model详细»
丁字形帐户T account详细»
丁诺卡(美国丁诺俱乐部发行)Diner''s Card详细»
七十七国集团Group of Seventy-Seven;Group of 77详细»
七大工业先进国家,七国集团Group of Seven;G-7详细»