
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业英汉词典 第13页

account of credit sales赊卖帐户,赊销帐户详细»
account of exchequer金库帐详细»
account of goods purchased购货帐目详细»
account of payments支出帐户,支出表,付款帐户详细»
account of purchase购货帐单,采购帐户详细»
account of receipts and payments收支表,收支对照表详细»
account of the exchequer国库帐详细»
account officer会计主管人详细»
accounts due应收到期帐款,应收帐户款详细»
accounts due on sales on approval应收到期试销货款详细»
accounts for goods and material services货物和物质性服务帐户详细»
accounts for the disposition of the net material income物质性收入净额的使用帐户详细»
accounts of finance财务科目,财务帐户详细»
accounts of source of funds资金来源帐户详细»
accounts on indent account国外订货未收货款帐户详细»
accounts payable应付帐款详细»
accounts payable others其他应付款项详细»
accounts payable stretching应付帐款增多详细»
accounts payable trade应付货款详细»
accounts receivable aging schedule应收帐款分期收回分析表,应收帐款帐龄分析表详细»
accounts receivable discounted已贴现应收帐款,应收帐款贴现,应收帐款折现详细»
accounts receivable financing应收帐款的资金筹措,应收帐款融通详细»
accounts receivable from subsidiary company应收子公司帐款详细»
accounts receivable ledger应收帐款分类帐,应收帐款分户帐详细»
accounts receivable others其他应收款详细»
accounts receivable trade应收货款详细»
accounts receivables应收款项详细»
accounts turnover帐款周转率详细»
accredited buyer授信买方(即信用申请人),受信买方,开证申请人(要求银行开发信用证的人)详细»