
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第200页

入口处的道路access road;road of access;access详细»
入口港栈货价ex importation dock price详细»
入口贸易import trade详细»
入场费gate money;entrance fee详细»
入坞费dock charge;dock dues;dockage详细»
入境手续entry procedures详细»
入境申报单customs declaration made at the time of entry详细»
入境调查表entry forms详细»
入实业界做生意go to business详细»
入帐价格entry price详细»
入库保税品warehouse bond详细»
入库原材料报告materials received report详细»
入库股票reacquired stock详细»
入库[存货]warehouse entry;entering warehouse;be put in storage;(retrievable state revenue that was) recovered详细»
入港停泊make harbor详细»
入港的禁止restraint of princes详细»
入港费,入港手续费,入港税inward port charges;port dues;keelage;harbor dues;port duties;inward charges;port charges详细»
入股become shareholder;become partner;buy a share详细»
入船坞设施,入坞设备docking accommodation详细»
入超净额net inflow详细»
入错科目error of item详细»
入门职工threshold worker详细»
全世界总吨位world tonnage详细»
全付payment in full;full payment详细»
全价票ticket at full rate详细»
全优综合奖[建筑]comprehensive bonus for all-up-to-norm work (in the building industry)详细»
全体合伙人partnership;general partners详细»
全体教师teaching staff详细»
全体职工大会general meetings of the staff and workers详细»