
石油专业汉英词典 石油专业英语词典 石油英语词典 石油英语词汇 石油专业词典 石油英语专业词典

石油专业汉英词典 第132页

井壁取心lateral core;punch core;sidewall coring;sidewall sampling详细»
井壁取样sidewall sample详细»
井壁坍塌物cave ins;caveins详细»
井壁密度测井sidewall density log详细»
井壁岩样sidewall sample详细»
井壁式压缩坐封封隔器hookwall compression-set packer详细»
井壁强度wall strength详细»
井壁抓持器wall grip详细»
井壁摩擦wall friction详细»
井壁泥饼wall cake详细»
井壁清洁器wall cleaner详细»
井壁锁紧装置wall lock device详细»
井失控loss of well control详细»
井密度well density详细»
井对井测量well-to-well measurenent详细»
井工作年限age of well详细»
井底传感器bottom-hole transmitter详细»
井底关井bottom-hole shut-in;downhole shut-in;sand-face shut-in详细»
井底关井装置bottom-hole shut-in device详细»
井底功率传递系数transfer coefficient of hole-bottom power详细»
井底加热器bottom hole heater详细»
井底动态条件bottom hole dynamic condition详细»
井底压力取样器pressure thief详细»
井底压力平衡压井法balanced bottom hole pressure method详细»
井底压力波动bottom hole pressure surge详细»
井底压力计bottom hole pressure bomb;bottom hole pressure gage;bottom hole pressure gauge;bottom hole pressure indicator;bottom-hole pressure device;downhole pressure gauge详细»
井底压降bottom-hole pressure drawdown详细»
井底取样bottom-hole sampling详细»
井底受污染区damaged wellbore grea详细»