
石油专业汉英词典 石油专业英语词典 石油英语词典 石油英语词汇 石油专业词典 石油英语专业词典

石油专业汉英词典 第57页

与...分担stand in with详细»
与...协调chimed in详细»
与...反向in opposition to详细»
与...变得不同步fall out of step with;fallen out of step with;falls out of step with;fell out of step with;get out of step with;gets out of step with;got out of step with;gotten out of step with;pull out of step with;pulled out of step with详细»
与...同相be in phase with;is in phase with详细»
与...在同一时间in the same time that详细»
与...失去联系lost sight of详细»
与...密切联系go hand in hand with;goes hand in hand with;gone hand in hand with详细»
与...对比in contradistinction from;in contradistinction to;in contrast to;in contrast with详细»
与...常在一起associate with详细»
与...并驾齐驱keep the run of;keeps the run of;kept the run of详细»
与...很相似the closest analogy to详细»
与...成反比in inverse proportion to;in the inverse ratio of;is in inverse proportion to;is in the inverse ratio of详细»
与...成比例in proportion to详细»
与...无关had no bearing on;had no bearing up on;has no bearing on;has no bearing up on;have no bearing on;have no bearing up on详细»
与...有关be associated with;borne upon;had a bearing on;had a bearing up on;had a bearing upon;had to do with;has a bearing on;has a bearing up on;has a hand in;have a bearing on;have a bearing up on;have to do with;in connection with详细»
与...有此关系had something to do with;has something to do with;have something to do with详细»
与...有相似之处had analogy to;had analogy with;has analogy to;has analogy with;have analogy to;have analogy with详细»
与...正交be normal to详细»
与...毫无共同之处had nothing in common with;has nothing in common with;have nothing in common with详细»
与...没有差别little better than详细»
与...相冲突fallen foul of详细»
与...相合in harmony with详细»
与...相平衡in equilibrium with详细»
与...相矛盾in contradiction with详细»
与...相联communicated with详细»
与...相违背came up against详细»
与...相齐gotten abreast of详细»
与...竞争competed with详细»