
冶金专业汉英词典 冶金专业英语词典 冶金英语词典 冶金英语词汇 冶金专业词典 冶金英语专业词典

冶金专业汉英词典 第37页

轧机接轴mill sprindle详细»
轧机操作人员mill personnel详细»
轧机操纵工mill supervisor;rolling mill operator详细»
轧机机座mill stand;roll mill stand;rolling mill stand详细»
轧机机座的串列式布置straight away setup详细»
轧机机座的横列式布置belgian type layout详细»
轧机机架roll housing详细»
轧机机试roll stand详细»
轧机油rolling mill oil〔名词〕详细»
轧机生产率mill production output;rolling mill yield;rolling rate;throughput rate详细»
轧机用大功率直流传动装置large direct-current rolling mill driver详细»
轧机电动机rolling mill engine;rolling mill motor详细»
轧机的主要技术数据mill data详细»
轧机的压下系统rolling mill press down system详细»
轧机的电气设备electricity of rolling mills详细»
轧机眚坊设计mill housing design详细»
轧机设备的总布置mill general layout详细»
轧机调mill pacing详细»
轧机调速mill pacing〔名词〕详细»
轧机跨mill aisle;mill bay;mill span详细»
轧机轧辊冷却系统mill roll cooling system详细»
轧机辅助设备colleagues of mill详细»
轧机输出侧delivery side of rolls;outgoing side of rolls详细»
轧机输辊出辊诞mill run-out table详细»
轧机部件内的磨擦mill friction详细»
轧材mill bar;mill products;rolled metal;rolled stock详细»
轧材切割机machine for parting-off rolled sections详细»
轧材无塑性区no-plastic zonc in rolled material详细»
轧材的横向移动square transfer motion详细»