翻译 | 详细 |
abnormal proliferation病的增殖症 | 详细» |
abnormal protrusion高突〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal puerperium民常产褥〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal pulse病脉〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal pupillary reflex异常瞳孔反射〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal reticulum cell异常网状细胞〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal rising of liver-yang肝阳上逆〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal sensation感觉异常,感觉质变〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal setting反常凝结〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal sexuality异常性欲 | 详细» |
abnormal state病态〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal thickening growth异常增厚生长 | 详细» |
abnormal umbilical cord insertion脐附着异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal value异常值〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormal wave异常波型〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormalities of brain脑异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality不规则,反常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality of birth canal产道异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality of cardiac automaticity心脏自律性异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality of parturient canal产道异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality of secretion of glucagon高血糖素分泌异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormality of umbilical cord脐带异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormally prolonged erection of penis阴纵〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormally prolonged eredtion of penis阴纵〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormalmovement of false joint异常假关节活动〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abnormity异常〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abob吗啉胍〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abolition of reflex无反射〔名词〕 | 详细» |
abolon癸酸诺龙〔名词〕 | 详细» |
aboral对口的〔名词〕 | 详细» |