翻译 | 详细 |
干法起皱dry crepe;dry creping | 详细» |
干法银盐感光纸drygum silver paper | 详细» |
干浆dry pulp | 详细» |
干涂层量dry pickup | 详细» |
干涉反射镜interference reflector | 详细» |
干涉显微镜interference microscope | 详细» |
干涉量度学interferometry | 详细» |
干湿球温度计wet and dry bulb thermometer | 详细» |
干滑试验dry skidding test | 详细» |
干煮dry cook | 详细» |
干燥不匀引起的纸褶子pucker | 详细» |
干燥光泽dry finish | 详细» |
干燥器desiccator;dryer;drying apparatus;exsicator | 详细» |
干燥工back tender;drier man | 详细» |
干燥应变dried-in strain | 详细» |
干燥木材dried wood | 详细» |
干燥毛毯dryer felt | 详细» |
干燥润滑法dry sump lubrication | 详细» |
干燥的desiccant;desiccative | 详细» |
平稳反应计数器flat response counter | 详细» |
平筛diaphragm screen;jog strainer | 详细» |
平行刨床parallel planing machine | 详细» |
平行杆筛parallel rods screen | 详细» |
平行波parallel waves | 详细» |
平行轴式单电机总轴传动Marshall drive with parallel shaft | 详细» |
平行面parallel surface | 详细» |
平衡位置position of equilibrium | 详细» |
平衡制balanced system | 详细» |
平衡压力equilibrium pressure | 详细» |
平衡变压器balancing transformer | 详细» |