
中医专业汉英词典 中医专业英语词典 中医英语词典 中医英语词汇 中医专业词典 中医英语专业词典

中医专业英汉词典 第61页

an internal cause内因〔名词〕详细»
an invalid chair病人用轮椅〔名词〕详细»
an inveterate smoker烟瘾很深的人〔名词〕详细»
an irregular physician非正规内科医师〔名词〕详细»
an isolated patient被隔离的病人〔名词〕详细»
an isolation ward隔离病室〔名词〕详细»
an leucotrichia nular花胺?白环发,黑白段发〔名词〕详细»
an obscure malady起因不明的病〔名词〕详细»
an obtuse pain闷痛〔名词〕详细»
an off ograde of herb先是差的药材〔名词〕详细»
an offspring stealing ioits maternal principle子盗母气〔名词〕详细»
An offspring steals its maternal principle子盗母气〔名词〕详细»
an ointment for scabds and burns烧烫伤药膏〔名词〕详细»
an old hand老手〔名词〕详细»
an operative dose药物的有效剂量〔名词〕详细»
an optimal emotional reaction良性情绪反应〔名词〕详细»
an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion中国针炙学概要〔名词〕详细»
an outward form外貌,外表〔名词〕详细»
an overflow of owater due to a deficiency of yang阳虚水泛〔名词〕详细»
an ulcerous person溃疡患?〔名词〕详细»
an unbalance type of character不稳定的性格〔名词〕详细»
an unconscious patient昏迷病人,昏迷的患?〔名词〕详细»
an under does of medicine低剂量的药,药量小的药〔名词〕详细»
an under lip下唇〔名词〕详细»
an untimely death夭折〔名词〕详细»
an upright post直立之柱〔名词〕详细»
an X-ray examinationX光检查〔名词〕详细»
an-innocent tumour良性瘤〔名词〕详细»