
中医专业汉英词典 中医专业英语词典 中医英语词典 中医英语词汇 中医专业词典 中医英语专业词典

中医专业英汉词典 第8页

a nursing mother喂奶的母亲〔名词〕详细»
a oparticular addiction癖嗜〔名词〕详细»
a painful illness痛苦的病〔名词〕详细»
a painlell extraction无痛拔牙〔名词〕详细»
a pale face面色苍白〔名词〕详细»
a paralytic stroke瘫痪突发〔名词〕详细»
a part of the body身体某一部位〔名词〕详细»
a partiality for particular taste特殊偏嗜〔名词〕详细»
a patient should be brooad-minded病沼Φ毙男乜砉?〔名词〕详细»
a penetrating smell剌鼻的气味〔名词〕详细»
a pernicious climate to health对身体有害的气候〔名词〕详细»
a person of ripe years成年人〔名词〕详细»
a pertinacious illness痼疾〔名词〕详细»
a physician with a large practic有许多病人求诊的医生〔名词〕详细»
a plump greasy and shortened tongue舌胖粘腻而缩〔名词〕详细»
a point where vessels assemble脉会〔名词〕详细»
a poison gas毒气〔名词〕详细»
a poisoned finger感染发炎的手指〔名词〕详细»
a poor memory不好的记忆力〔名词〕详细»
a posterior limb后肢〔名词〕详细»
a powerful remedy强效药〔名词〕详细»
a pregnant woman has got thirst anxiety孕妇口干,孕妇心烦〔名词〕详细»
a presentiment of death对死亡的预感〔名词〕详细»
a principle to be abided by应遵循的原则〔名词〕详细»
a processed drug炮制过的药材〔名词〕详细»
a profuse sweating should be contraindicated禁针穴〔名词〕详细»
a prominent chin凸出的下颏〔名词〕详细»
a protracted dysentery久痢3〔名词〕详细»
a psychic traumata心灵创伤〔名词〕详细»
a puffy face虚肿的脸〔名词〕详细»