
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第108页

作为计时功能的测定值记录recoding measured values as functions of TIME详细?
作为身份证、信用卡或支票卡的一部分as a detail of identity,credit or cheque cards详细?
作为转换器油剂as transformer oils详细?
作为铸造金属的添加剂as an additive for casting metals详细?
作为陶瓷产品的瓷砖TILES as ceramic products详细?
作为非表面活性元素的植物物质、物质vegetable matters as a constituent of surface-active vegetable,matterss详细?
作为非表面活性溶剂的成分solvents as a constituent of non-surface-activesolvents详细?
作为非表面活性的成分的无机化合物inorganic compounds as a constituent of non-surface-active详细?
使瓶子从带子中解出来winding bottles out of strips详细?
使用一个带有正面刨削的磨盘工具磨削grinding with the tool being a grinding disc with a plane front surface详细?
使用一种冷冻剂的冷冻机器refrigeration machine using refrigeration machine of a refrigerant without recovery of the vapour详细?
使用不间断刀片的安全刨刀safety razor with continuous ribbon详细?
使用中调节adjustment during use详细?
使用二极管的逻辑电路logic circuit using详细?
使用二触发器的脉冲计数器pulse counter using bi-stable trigger circuits详细?
使用交替偏振的直流调节器direct-current regulator using alternating polarization详细?
使用低分子有机化合物with low-molecular-weight organic compounds详细?
使用保护气体覆盖(使用保护气体覆盖cladding by using protective gas (plating by using protective gas)详细?
使用修正设备改变频率frequency-changing using rectifying devices详细?
使用储热的房间加热系统room heating systems using heat accumulated in storage masses详细?
使用充电体处理process using a charge pattern详细?
使用共振作用的消音装置silencing apparatus characterised by using resonance详细?
使用具有再生反馈功能的放大器的发电机generator using amplifier with regenerative feedback详细?
使用冲洗泵进行厕所冲洗closet flushing by means of flushing pump详细?
使用分接头式的涡轮turbine operating on tapped air详细?
使用剃刀的毛发修剪装置hair-trimming device with razor blade详细?
使用加热法的液体应用application of liquid using heating详细?