翻译 | 详细 |
印刷布printed wiring | 详细» |
印字复凿孔机printing reperforator | 详细» |
印字多触针电极printed multi stylus electrode | 详细» |
印字杆车type bar carriage | 详细» |
印字电报机自动换接teleprinter automatic switching | 详细» |
印字轮type wheel | 详细» |
印模试验sump test | 详细» |
危害性电位差demarcation potential | 详细» |
危险danger;emergency | 详细» |
危险信号灯danger light | 详细» |
危险的critical | 详细» |
即时处理demand service | 详细» |
卵形线oval | 详细» |
卷尺flexible rule;measuring tape | 详细» |
卷扬用电动机winding motor | 详细» |
卷边beading of the tube end;curl | 详细» |
卸压装置pressure relieving device | 详细» |
卸煤discharging of coal | 详细» |
卸荷孔balancing hole | 详细» |
卸载油压unloading oil pressure | 详细» |
厂station | 详细» |
厂内电力网station network | 详细» |
厂内装焊转轮shop fabricated runner | 详细» |
厂址plant location | 详细» |
厂家maker;manufacturer | 详细» |
厂用动力损耗house service consumption | 详细» |
厂用发电机组house generating set | 详细» |
厂用变电所house substation | 详细» |
厂用机组house machine | 详细» |
厂用电auxiliary power;house supply;station service | 详细» |