翻译 | 详细 |
anchor ear桩环〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anchor frame锚架 | 详细» |
anchor insulator拉桩绝缘子〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anchor log拉线横桩〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anchor point锚点〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anchor stay地锚拉线〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anchoring粘合〔名词〕 | 详细» |
ancillary辅助的〔名词〕 | 详细» |
ancillary circuit辅助电路〔名词〕 | 详细» |
ancillary device control辅助设备控制 | 详细» |
ancillary jack业务联络线插孔〔名词〕 | 详细» |
ancillary position辅助座席〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and bridge"与"型桥接〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and device"与"器件〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and gate"与"门;“与”门,“AND”门〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and gate expander"与"门扩展器〔名词〕 | 详细» |
AND immediate“与”立即操作 | 详细» |
and logic"与"逻辑〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and not gate禁止门〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and tube"与"门管〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and-nor gate"与或非"门〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and-or expander"与或"扩展器〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and-or graph"与或"图〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and-or network"与或"网络〔名词〕 | 详细» |
and-or-not gate"与或非"门〔名词〕 | 详细» |
Andersen samplerAndersen采样器 | 详细» |
anderson localization安德森探测 | 详细» |
andfunction"与"功能〔名词〕 | 详细» |
andorinverter与或非电路〔名词〕 | 详细» |
anechoic无回声的〔名词〕 | 详细» |