
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第64页

appeasement policy绥靖政策详细»
appellant ground上诉理由详细»
appellant instance上告审详细»
appellant reason上诉的理由详细»
appellate division上诉法庭详细»
appellate jurisdiction上诉管辖权 ,上诉审详细»
appellate paper上诉书详细»
appellate petition上诉申请 ,上诉状详细»
appellate psychology上诉心理详细»
appellate rules上诉规则详细»
appellation of origin原产地名称详细»
appended litigant被追加的当事人详细»
appendix附录 ,附项部分〔名词〕详细»
appliances for labor protection劳保用品详细»
applicable criminal punishment适用刑罚详细»
applicable law disposing capacity of natural persons自然人行为能力的准据法详细»
applicable law for extinctive prescription消灭时效的准据法详细»
applicable law for joint wills共同遗嘱的准据法详细»
applicable law for marriage settlement forms夫妻财产契约形式的准据法详细»
applicable law for matrimonial regime夫妻财产制的准据法详细»
applicable law for quasi contracts准契约的准据法详细»
applicable law for the capacity of exercising the right of appointment指定权行使能力的准据法详细»
applicable law for the creation of adoption收养成立的准据法详细»
applicable law for the explanation of a will遗嘱解释的准据法详细»
applicable law for the formality of a will遗嘱形式要件的准据法详细»
applicable law for the revocation of a will遗嘱撤销的准据法详细»
applicable law of contract合同准据法详细»
applicable local law地方准据法 ,地方准据法详细»