
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第67页

apply to participate in distribution申请参加分配详细?
apply to the customs报关〔动词〕详细?
appoint and dismiss任免详细?
appoint people according to their ability and political integrity任人唯贤详细?
appoint persons on their merit任人唯贤详细?
appointed agent指定代理人详细?
appointed day法定日 ,指定日详细?
appointment任命 ,委,委派,委任,约会,指定,指派〔名词〕详细?
appointment and removal of officers军官职务的任免详细?
appointment of civil officials by the emperor特简详细?
appointment of officials by the Board of Civil Service in the Ming Dynasty听选详细?
apportioned cost已分摊成本详细?
apportionment分担 ,摊款;n.摊派详细?
appraisal鉴定 ,评估,估矿期〔名词〕详细?
appraisal clause估价条款详细?
appraisal committee of breeds of livestock畜禽品种审定委员会详细?
appraisal norm of working drawings施工图纸验收规范详细?
appraisal of containerized cargo集装箱货物鉴定详细?
appraisal of damages inflicted upon export commodities出口商品的残损鉴定详细?
appraisal of export commodities'' damages from carriage出口商品的载损鉴定详细?
appraisal of export commodity packaging出口商品的包装鉴定详细?
appraisal of intangible assets无形资产评估详细?
appraisal of new technology新技术鉴定详细?
appraisal of the amount of export commodities出口商品的数量鉴定详细?
appraisal of the weight of export commodities出口商品的重量鉴定详细?
appraisal organ on content of audiovisual products音像制品内容审核机构详细?
appraisal through discussion评议〔名词〕详细?
appraise评估 ,评价,鉴定〔动词〕详细?