
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第49页

基础协定basic agreement详细»
基础工作essential work详细»
基础条约basic treaty详细»
基础测绘成果achievements in basic survey and drawing详细»
基础种子经营规则rules on the business operation of basic seeds详细»
基线baseline;datum line详细»
基金公约FC;Fund Convention详细»
基金转帐interfund transfer详细»
堂兄弟姐妹cousins;cousins on the paternal side详细»
堕胎have an abortion;feticide;induced abortion;miscarriage;prolicide;abortive;prolecidal详细»
堕胎罪child destruction;crime of abortion;criminal abortion;illegal abortion;prolicide详细»
堕落的人man of sin;pervert详细»
塑料生产合资经营合同joint venture contract for plastic production详细»
塔雕氏斑Tardieu''s spots详细»
塞尔登学会Selden Society详细»
填报重量declared weight详细»
填迟日期的支票postdated check详细»
境内domestic;resident;within the borders;within the boundaries详细»
境内公民domestic citizen;resident citizen详细»
境内外犯罪分子criminals within and beyond the borders详细»
境内居民因私出境用汇foreign exchanges to be used by residents within the borders going abroad on private purposes详细»
境内投资人domestic investors详细»
境内犯罪分子criminals within the borders详细»
境内非金融机构domestic non-financial institutions详细»
境外个人overseas individual详细»
境外中资非金融机构Chinese-invested non-financial institutions abroad详细»
境外发包人offshore project owner;overseas project owner详细»
境外市场market abroad;offshore market;overseas market详细»