
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第200页

出口货物产地证明书certificat of origin of export commodities详细»
出口货物原产地origin of export commodities详细»
出口货物清单outward manifest详细»
出口质量标准export quality standard;quality requirements for exports详细»
出口贸易法export trade act详细»
出口转内销export-oriented commodities sold at home;export reject详细»
出口进口押汇outward and inward documentary bill详细»
出口配额export quotas详细»
出口限额export quota详细»
出口骗税犯罪活动criminal activities of cheating out of tax rebates in exportation详细»
出售make one''s market;offer for sale;sell;disposal;sale;selling详细»
出售伪造货币罪crime of selling counterfeit currencies详细»
出售假货pass off fake products详细»
出售品编号sales No.详细»
出售担保品sale of securities详细»
出国留学协议书agreement for going abroad to pursue study;agreement for going and studying abroad详细»
出土文物unearthed cultural relics详细»
出土无主金银excavated gold and silver objects without legal owners详细»
出境入境主管机关entry and exit authority;entry and exit management department详细»
出境入境管理entry and exit management详细»
出境入境证件entry and exit certificates详细»
出境地海关office of exit详细»
出境定居leave the country and settle abroad详细»
出境手续exit formalities详细»
出境旅客outgoing passenger详细»
出境旅游leave the country on tour abroad详细»
出境检疫exit quarantine详细»
出境留学leave the country for studies abroad详细»