
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第7页

一般遗赠物general legacy详细»
一般间接费用general overhead详细»
一般陈述general representations详细»
一般限定继承权general tail;tail general详细»
一般险usual risk详细»
一般预防主义doctrine of general prevention of crimes;general prevention of crimes doctrine详细»
一读first reading详细»
一贯原则principle of consistency详细»
一轮多数联盟制one majority alliance system详细»
一造传票ex parte summon详细»
一部无效partly void详细»
一院制unicameral system;unicameralism;single-chamber详细»
一院制立法机构single-chamber legislature详细»
一项罪行的全部事实corpus of a crime详细»
丁税tax on the person详细»
七出seven types of grounds for a husband to cast off his wife and send her back to her parents in feudal laws;see example详细»
七君子之狱imprisonment of seven people of integrity详细»
七杀seven types of criminal homicide in feudal China;see example详细»
七级法官grade-7 judge;judge of the 7th grade详细»
万国博览会international fair;world exposition;world''s fair详细»
万国法law of nations详细»
万王之王King of Kings详细»
万隆会议十项原则Ten Principles of the Bandung Conference详细»
丈母mother-in-law;wife''s mother详细»
三不去a wife''s three objections against being cast off and sent back to her parents in feudal China详细»
三人团three-man leadership详细»
三代three generations详细»
三位一体the trinity详细»