
船舶专业汉英词典 船舶专业英语词典 船舶英语词典 船舶英语词汇 船舶专业词典 船舶英语专业词典

船舶专业汉英词典 第62页

临界温度critical temperature详细»
临界溶解温度critical solution temperature详细»
临界热critical heat详细»
临界特性critical behavior详细»
临界电位梯度critical potential gradient详细»
临界直线运动稳定critical stability of straight line motion详细»
临界稳定性critical;marginal stability详细»
临界粘性阻尼critical viscous damping详细»
临界耐电压critical withstand voltage详细»
临界自励磁critical self excitation详细»
临界航行范围critical zone of operation详细»
临界衰减critical damping详细»
临界装载量critical loading详细»
临界试验critical experiment详细»
临界质量critical mass详细»
临界转速critical speed;resonance speed详细»
临界迎角critical angle of attack;stall angle of teeack详细»
临界速度critical speed;critical velocity详细»
临界阻尼critical damping详细»
临界限值threshold limit valus;tlv详细»
临界频率critical frequency详细»
临界高度critical altitude详细»
临阈系数threshold factor详细»
临阵退缩had cold feet详细»
为...作好准备made provision against详细»
为...出庭辩护appear for详细»
为...力所能及be within your grasp详细»
为...感到高兴be thankful that详细»
为...所感动impressed with详细»
为...所碰到fall in his way;fall in their way;fall in your way详细»