
船舶专业汉英词典 船舶专业英语词典 船舶英语词典 船舶英语词汇 船舶专业词典 船舶英语专业词典

船舶专业汉英词典 第63页

为...所苦be cursed with详细»
为...担心tremble for;worry about详细»
为...拼写spell for详细»
为...提供可能性open up possibility for详细»
为...改编adapt for详细»
为...服丧mourn for详细»
为...焦虑bother their heads about详细»
为...竞争vie for详细»
为...而分配allocate for;allot for详细»
为...而奋斗strive after详细»
为...而感到悲伤sorrow over详细»
为...而责备blame for;call to task for;take to task for详细»
为...费脑筋bother their heads about详细»
为...铺平道路open the way to详细»
为一家人所共有run in the family详细»
为了享受for the fun of详细»
为了我for my sake详细»
为了社会福利for the public weal详细»
为什么how comes it that详细»
为便于说明问题起见for ease of representation详细»
为增光done honour to详细»
为我看得见within my view详细»
为此ad hoc详细»
为简略起见for short详细»
为自己for themselves详细»
为说好话put in a word for详细»
为防止...提供安全措施provide insurance against详细»
主上桅main topgallant mast详细»
主上桅支索main topgallant stay详细»
主中桅main topmastant详细»