
经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典

经贸专业汉英词典 第115页

产品主要类别product main class详细»
产品产量product yield详细»
产品价值中劳动和资本的比重value shares详细»
产品储备supply of products详细»
产品全面引入市场full product introduction详细»
产品分档product specification详细»
产品分类制度product classification system详细»
产品包装packing of products;product package详细»
产品可销性marketability of product详细»
产品号码indentification symbol详细»
产品品种减少variety reduction详细»
产品复杂程度degree of the complexity of product详细»
产品多型号的定价multiple model pricing详细»
产品完全分配exhaustion of product详细»
产品导向的布置product oriented layout详细»
产品寿命周期product life cycle详细»
产品展览product displsy;product exhibition详细»
产品工程product engineering详细»
产品差异product differetiation;product diversification详细»
产品开发product development详细»
产品引入product introduction详细»
产品性能function of product;performance of the product;product performance详细»
产品总额quantum of output详细»
产品成本产量表statement of cost and production详细»
产品成本差异variation on product cost详细»
产品成本比较表comparative statement of product cost详细»
产品技术product technology详细»
产品收得率production yield详细»
产品改进product improvement详细»
产品效益product effectiveness详细»