翻译 | 详细 |
产品责任product liability;product responsibility | 详细» |
产品责任单位product center | 详细» |
产品质量product quality;quality of products | 详细» |
产品资本比product capital ratio | 详细» |
产品车间product cell | 详细» |
产品返销buyback | 详细» |
产品配制product mix | 详细» |
产品配置检查product configuration inspection | 详细» |
产品销售计划marketing program;target for disposal of products | 详细» |
产品革新product innovation | 详细» |
产品项目product items | 详细» |
产品领域product field | 详细» |
产地价格farm price | 详细» |
产地检验证书inspection certificate of origin | 详细» |
产地证明书费fee for certificate of origin | 详细» |
产妇死亡率maternal mortality rate | 详细» |
产期津贴maternity benefit | 详细» |
产权会计accounting for equities | 详细» |
产权公司property company | 详细» |
产权投资市场equity markets | 详细» |
产权标要求中的意外损失claims contingency | 详细» |
产权租赁proprietary lease | 详细» |
产权证书certificate of title | 详细» |
产权说明书abstract of title | 详细» |
产权资本的提供equity contributions | 详细» |
产棉区cotton base;cotton zone | 详细» |
产油国oil producing country | 详细» |
产生came into existence;come into being;come into existence;comes into existence;gave;gave rise to;generate;get up;give rise to;given rise to;gives rise to | 详细» |
产生子程序generating subroutine | 详细» |
产生式形式form of productions | 详细» |