
经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典

经贸专业汉英词典 第183页

供试用的on approval详细»
供货人试验vendor test详细»
供货合同delivery contract;supply agreement详细»
供贷人发票supplier''s invoice详细»
供转销的零件resale parts详细»
供销单位supply and sales agency详细»
供销合作社marketing cooperative;trading cooperative详细»
供销部supply and marketing departement详细»
供需平衡balance of supply and demand;co ordination of supply and demand详细»
供需曲线结构demand and supply curve framework详细»
依一定成数分配division in fractional ratio详细»
依从试验test of compliance详细»
依商品质量调整价格的协议quality discount agreement详细»
依据according as;in terms of详细»
依据职权ex officio详细»
依时效而取得的权利prescriptive rights详细»
依次in turn详细»
依次编号number consecutively详细»
依此类推and the like详细»
依法仲裁员arbitrator de jure详细»
依法减税tax cut by law详细»
依法宣布无效ipso jure avoidance详细»
依法扣留或扣押arrest of seizure under legal process详细»
依法登记的住所legal residence详细»
依法终止合同ipso jure termination of a contract详细»
依照协定as agreed详细»
依照改变规则更改资料内容的指令transform statement详细»
依约照付pay as may be paid详细»
依赖外国船的进出口贸易passive commerce详细»