
经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典

经贸专业汉英词典 第199页

信托服务fiduciary service详细»
信托机构trust institution详细»
信托职能trust function详细»
信托股份公司trust stock company详细»
信托证书trust instrument详细»
信托负债trust liability详细»
信托财产的指定继承人trust remainder详细»
信托资产trust asset详细»
信托资金trust capital详细»
信托银公司trust and banking company详细»
信托银行业务trust banking详细»
信条code of ethics详细»
信汇letter transfer;mail transfer详细»
信用交易deal on credit;transaction with credit详细»
信用人寿保险credit life insurance详细»
信用保证credit security详细»
信用保证制度credit guarantee system详细»
信用保险credit insurance;fidelity insurance;insurance of credit guarantee详细»
信用借款character loan;credit loan;debt of honour;open fiduciary loan详细»
信用债务full faith and credit debt详细»
信用函通知书letter of instruction详细»
信用分类credit classification详细»
信用创造credit creation详细»
信用单据credit slip详细»
信用卡电话credit card call详细»
信用卡销货credit card sales详细»
信用受益人credit beneficiary详细»
信用可靠性和偿债能力分析credit worthiness and solvency analysis详细»
信用合作社co operative society of credit;credit cooperation;credit cooperative society;credit union详细»