
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业英汉词典 第1页

five smalls单词解释块> 基本词义> 单词项> 单词原型>详细»
( drive out) foreign monopolies that have muscled in on the nation''s industry强行侵入民族工业的外国垄断企业详细»
( enterprises) retained after-tax profits and assumed responsibility for losses税后余利分成包干详细»
(12) karat gold十二开金详细»
(a few enterprise groups) have been listed as independent units in the state plans计划单列详细»
(a market for) high-class skilled labor高级劳动详细»
(a) favor以…为受益人详细»
(absorb all the) freed labor from (the countryside)从农业中游离出来的劳动力详细»
(accept the) arbitration procedure仲裁程序进行仲裁详细»
(accumulation rate plunged from a peak to a)low积累率从高峰降到低谷详细»
(achievement of an) equilibrium by taking what is already in ample supply as the basis达到按“长线”平衡为基础(基本建设)详细»
(advanced does not necessarily mean)财权详细»
(all members of a society) share equally in the possession of the means of production全体人民无差别地占有生产资料详细»
(allow enterprises to) retain a part of funds at their disposal自留资金详细»
(allowing local governments to) retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas地方政府收支大包干详细»
(among them some of state enterprises are) jointly owned by the state and individual investors全民所有制中私人投资的合营经济详细»
(an enterprises became a)企业不仅是社会生产力的直接发挥者详细»
(ask for one''s) time最后一次工资详细»
(assets) fall short of what is needed to cover the debts不足以清偿债务详细»
(avoid) competition (in foreign markets )between the goods China processed or assembled and her own exports碰头竞争(外贸)详细»
(banks adopt the measures of)银行开出不可撤销的信用证详细»
(banks took the initiative to) offer loans to their customers送款上门详细»
(be subject to) jurisdiction by (Chinese) law接受中国法律管辖详细»
(be) called to account and punished accordingly for having violated discipline in financial and economic work以违反财经纪律论处详细»
(be) open to free sales and purchases自由购销详细»
(be)absent from one''s post without leave擅离职守详细»
(better) guidance (to economic development) over a long period of time长远指导作用详细»
(bonus varies with) personal performance个人表现详细»
(borrowing venture that applies for a loan must) satisfy the conditions for a loan申请贷款的企业必需具备贷款条件详细»
(bribery) is rife (in capitalist society)贿赂成风详细»
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