
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业英汉词典 第6页

(parcels were sent) by carriage forward按货到付运费方式详细»
(pattern of heavy industry may be classified by the) use of the products产品不同使用方向详细»
(pay for the) costs incurred (by the producing units) in the form of labor service,food consumption and land use支付生产单位投劳、投粮、投土地费用详细»
(peasants) marched into fully socialist cooperatives overnight农民“一步登天”跨入完全社会主义性质的合作社详细»
(people have longer) working lives工人有较长的劳动年限详细»
(permit individual laborers to) tour streets and lanes允许个体商贩游街串巷详细»
(person is) owned by the unit which provides the job“单位所有制”详细»
(politics and economics are) interdependent,mutually promotive相互依存,相互促进详细»
(practice) usury放印子钱详细»
(price system being in serious) disarray价格体系严重不顺详细»
(prices are often) separately included in the cost价格常常分摊计入成本详细»
(prices show) variance from their value价格背离价值详细»
(prices) depart fromvalue价格背离价值详细»
(prices) soared暴涨详细»
(producing the) total number of a certain kind of commodity生产部门生产的一种商品总量详细»
(production can be) recognized by society生产得到社会承认详细»
(production does not simply) produce man as a commodity生产不仅把人当作商品详细»
(production of a joint venture shall) be filed with (the authorities concerned)备案详细»
(production) targets could be imposed at every level生产计划层层加码详细»
(productive work will become a delight instead of a) blight劳动已不是一种负担详细»
(products of labor) transformed into commodities劳动产品转化为商品详细»
(projects should be built) on the basis of the resources of the local people with some state subsidies民办公助详细»
(property becoming merely) objective,material wealth实物的、物质的财富详细»
(provide) financing services融资业务详细»
(provide) specialities that are badly needed增设短线专业(教育)详细»
(purpose of socialist production is to satisfy) subjective demands自主需要详细»
(railway stocks) took a dive (on the) stock market暴落(股票价格等)详细»
(rapid development) comes with (a balanced development)前提详细»
(ratio of) capital contributions股权详细»
(readjust) the service orientation改进服务方向详细»