
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业英汉词典 第191页

build up an independent and fairly comprehensive industrial and economic system独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系详细»
build up collective grain reserve留集体储备粮详细»
build up family wealth发家致富详细»
build water conservancy works on an extensive scale水利化详细»
build-up of leading body in enterprises企业领导班子建设详细»
builder''s temporary shed工棚详细»
builders risks船舶修造险详细»
building and equipment房屋和设备详细»
Building and Loan Association建筑贷款协会,美国的建房信用社,房屋互助协会,住宅互助协会详细»
building area建筑面积详细»
building berth造船台详细»
building clusters of small-scale indigenous factories小土群详细»
building coefficient建筑系数详细»
building construction started建筑物开工数详细»
building contracting建筑工程承包方式详细»
building cost建筑成本,建筑费详细»
building coverage建筑覆盖度详细»
building density建筑密度详细»
building economic index建筑经济指标详细»
building fund reserve建筑基金准备详细»
building industry建设工业详细»
building installation建筑安装工作量详细»
building installation enterprises建筑安装企业详细»
building insurance建筑物保险详细»
building lease建筑物租约,造屋租地的年限,租地造屋权详细»
building lots for sale分段出售的建筑用地详细»
building materials建筑材料详细»
building materials for civilian use民用建筑材料详细»
building motion成形装置(纺织)详细»
building permit建筑执照详细»