
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第71页

事后偿付ex post payoff详细»
事后审计,事后审核post audit详细»
事后布置layout after event详细»
事后投资ex post investment详细»
事后模拟ex post simulation详细»
事后测验,事后试验post testing详细»
事后维修breakdown maintenance;posterior maintenance详细»
事后计算的投资与储蓄恒等关系ex post identity详细»
事后预测误差ex post forecast error详细»
事实上的所有人practical owner详细»
事实上自由化de facto liberalization详细»
事实报告factual report详细»
事实调查委员会fact-finding board详细»
事故保险accident insurance详细»
事故发生率accident rate详细»
事故报废retirement through accident详细»
事故相关性correlation of accidents详细»
事故记录簿accident book详细»
事故防止条款(海上保险)sue and labor clause详细»
事故频率accident frequency详细»
事物的趋势,事物的演进course of events详细»
事项进度表event schedule详细»
二五减租land rent be reduced by 25 percent;25 percent reduction in rent详细»
二人零和博奕two-person zero-sum game详细»
二倍标准误规则twice-the-standard-error rule详细»
二元二型分布bivariate type II distribution详细»
二元产权形式form of a dualistic property right详细»
二元均匀分布bivariate uniform distribution详细»
二元对数分布bivariate logarithmic distribution详细»
二元帕斯卡分布bivariate Pascal distribution详细»