翻译 | 详细 |
人与人之间关系被物化materialized relations between men;human relations became material relations | 详细» |
人与人的相互影响interaction among individuals | 详细» |
人为低价artificially low price | 详细» |
人为偏倚human bias | 详细» |
人为变数artificial variable | 详细» |
人为定价arbitrary pricing | 详细» |
人为的供应紧张man-made shortage of goods | 详细» |
人为的直接破坏direct harm done by purely man-made factors | 详细» |
人为误差human error | 详细» |
人为资源man-made resources | 详细» |
人为风险human risks | 详细» |
人事任用employment | 详细» |
人事关系管理human relations management | 详细» |
人事制度personnel system | 详细» |
人事动态通知notice of change employment | 详细» |
人事卡片索引personnel card index | 详细» |
人事心理学personnel psychology | 详细» |
人事档案系统personal records system | 详细» |
人事科personnel office;personnel section | 详细» |
人事管理信息系统personnel management information system | 详细» |
人事组织图personnel chart | 详细» |
人事职能staffing function | 详细» |
人事行政personal administration | 详细» |
人事费用personnel expenditure;staff cost;personal services;personal costs | 详细» |
人事部门personnel department;personnel division | 详细» |
人人身上有指标、全厂任务大家挑everybody has a share in fulfilling the various norms and the overall tasks of the enterprise | 详细» |
人公里(交通)passenger-kilometer | 详细» |
人力manpower;labor power;human forces | 详细» |
人力供应supply of manpower | 详细» |
人力储备stock of manpower | 详细» |