翻译 | 详细 |
从属设备slave unit | 详细» |
从属部门subsector | 详细» |
从技术变化看经济增长technology-based view of economic growth | 详细» |
从整件包装中窃取一部分货物pilferage | 详细» |
从活期帐户贷付(向银行借款条件之一)credit on current account | 详细» |
从海关仓库和自由贸易区出口exports from customs warehouses and free zones | 详细» |
从源扣缴的所得税income tax withheld at source | 详细» |
从源报税、计税、付税filing returns and computing and paying a tax at source | 详细» |
从源课税taxation at the source;tax at source;source taxation | 详细» |
从源课税规则source rules | 详细» |
从经验中得出的成规rule of thumb | 详细» |
从联邦储备银行借款borrowing from Federal Reserve Banks | 详细» |
从资本主义到社会主义的过渡时期transition period from capitalism to socialism | 详细» |
从重、从快、从严的司法原则judicial principles of enforcing the law severely,quickly and strictly | 详细» |
从量收费volume charge | 详细» |
从量贸易指标indicators for specific trades | 详细» |
从零开始的预算zero-base budgeting | 详细» |
仓买warehouse purchase | 详细» |
仓储,仓库储存warehousing;warehousing storage | 详细» |
仓储企业storage enterprises | 详细» |
仓储保管合同warehousing contract;warehouse bailment contract | 详细» |
仓储单landing account | 详细» |
仓储摊销(期货市场)carry charge | 详细» |
仓储计划silo program | 详细» |
仓单bond warrant;godown receipt;godown warrant;warehouse receipt;warehouse warrant;dock warrant;manifest;ship''s manifest;warrant | 详细» |
仓单贷款warehouse loans | 详细» |
仓库depot;godown;warehouse;stockhouse;repertory;pack-house;storehouse;depositary;store | 详细» |
仓库中有现货available from stock | 详细» |
仓库交货条件ex store terms;ex warehouse terms;ex godown terms | 详细» |
仓库价warehouse price | 详细» |