
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第48页

中国远洋运输公司China Ocean Shipping Company详细»
中国造船公司China State Shipbuilding Corporation详细»
中国重型机械总公司China National Heavy Machinery Corporation详细»
中国铁路对外服务公司China Railway Foreign Service Corporation详细»
中国长城工业公司China Great Wall Industry Corporation详细»
中国集装箱公司China Container Corporation详细»
中国青年旅行社China Youth Travel Service详细»
中国食品工业协会China National Food Industry Association详细»
中外合作开发Chinese-foreign cooperative development详细»
中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign enterprises with cooperative business operations;Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises详细»
中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign joint venture;enterprise run with Chinese and foreign capital;joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment;joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investments详细»
中外合资经营企业出资方式equity participation in Chinese-foreign joint ventures详细»
中外合资经营企业所得税income tax concerning joint ventures with Chinese and foreign investments详细»
中外合资经营企业物资供应supply of materials and equipment in Chinese-foreign joint ventures详细»
中外合资经营企业贷款loans for Chinese-foreign joint ventures详细»
中外学术交流Chinese-foreign academic exchanges详细»
中外运加拿大公司Sinotrans Canada Inc.详细»
中央人事档案central file of personnel records详细»
中央信息档案,中央资讯档案central information file (CIF)详细»
中央到地方经济监督制度economic supervision system should be set up from the seat of the central government to the seats of local governments详细»
中央各部委机构,中央各主管部门ministries and commissions under the State Council详细»
中央和地方企业并举simultaneous development of national and local enterprises详细»
中央处理单位,中央处理单元central processing unit详细»
中央处理系统central processing system详细»
中央工业industries under the central authorities详细»
中央工程局[英国]Central Engineering Establishment (CEE)详细»
中央所有企业enterprises of state-ownership详细»
中央政府central government详细»
中央政府收支统计statistics of revenues and expenditures of national government详细»
中央有关经济管理部门ministries involved in economic administration详细»