
医学专业汉英词典 医学专业英语词典 医学英语词典 医学英语词汇 医学专业词典 医学英语专业词典

医学专业英汉词典 第2页

a monograph on the diagnosis of diseases诊断专著〔名词〕详细»
a mormal pulse in summer should be full夏应中矩〔名词〕详细»
a naphthylthiourea安妥〔名词〕详细»
a normal blood-sugar level正常血糖量标准〔名词〕详细»
a paltry person平人〔名词〕详细»
a pernicious climate to health对身体有害的气候〔名词〕详细»
a point where vessels assemble--taiyuan point脉会〔名词〕详细»
a powerful remedy强效药〔名词〕详细»
a prescription for a medical decoction汤头〔名词〕详细»
a profuse sweating should be contraindicated禁针穴〔名词〕详细»
A qigong master emitted external qi气功师发放了外气〔名词〕详细»
a rest center疗养中心〔名词〕详细»
a scarred leg有伤疤的腿〔名词〕详细»
a severe and liongering illness沉荷〔名词〕详细»
a sick man has little taste for food病人吃东西没有味道〔名词〕详细»
a singular scrofula of necls单窠疠〔名词〕详细»
a small circle of the evolrtive小周天〔名词〕详细»
a solid bell can not ring金实不鸣〔名词〕详细»
a stop of progress经尽〔名词〕详细»
a suppressive drug制止性药物〔名词〕详细»
a tendency to develop欲传〔名词〕详细»
a thirsty duck rushing for water posture旱鸭赶水势〔名词〕详细»
a tranquil mind宁静的心情〔名词〕详细»
A type particleA型粒子详细»
a virulent poison一种致命病毒〔名词〕详细»
a weak medicine弱性药〔名词〕详细»
a-benzil monoxide联并畸形〔名词〕详细»
a-glycerophospate shuttle system磷酸甘油穿梭系统〔名词〕详细»
a-kainic acid海人草酸〔名词〕详细»
a-oxidation of fatty acid脂肪酸a-氧化〔名词〕详细»