翻译 | 详细 |
壁外的extramural | 详细» |
壁疣warts on cell wall | 详细» |
壁虎a house lizard;gecko;horse lizard;house lizsrd | 详细» |
壅塞不通blocked passage | 详细» |
壅滞者通之treat the illness of stasis by dissipation | 详细» |
士气morale | 详细» |
壬二酰基nonanedioyl | 详细» |
壮one moxa-cone;sthenia | 详细» |
壮健sthenia;vigour | 详细» |
壮实strongness | 详细» |
壮数cone number | 详细» |
壮火食气Sthenic fire consumes qi;Vigorous fire imnpairs qi;sthenic fire consumes vital energy | 详细» |
壮神invigorate the mind | 详细» |
壮肾丸genital tonic pills | 详细» |
壮腰健肾丸loins-strengthening and kidney-invigoraling bolus | 详细» |
壮阳invigorate the yang;strengthen the yang;strengthen yang | 详细» |
壮阳药afrodyn | 详细» |
声嘶hoarseness | 详细» |
声学acoustics | 详细» |
声带动像motion image of vocal cord | 详细» |
声弱leptophonia | 详细» |
声襞vocal fold | 详细» |
声量计sound meter | 详细» |
声门上区癌症supraglottic cancer | 详细» |
声门后端the posterior end of the glottis | 详细» |
声音sound;voice | 详细» |
声音低微a low voice | 详细» |
声音剌耳的piercing | 详细» |
声音嘶哑a hoarse voice;hoarseness of voice;the husky voice | 详细» |
声音微弱hypophonia | 详细» |