
中医专业汉英词典 中医专业英语词典 中医英语词典 中医英语词汇 中医专业词典 中医英语专业词典

中医专业汉英词典 第32页

心室内压intraventricular pressure详细»
心室性心动过速ventricular tachycardia详细»
心室激动时间ventricular activation time详细»
心室缓慢充盈波slow filling wave of ventricle详细»
心尖the apex of the heart详细»
心尖搏动apex beat;apical pulse详细»
心尖搏动增强intensification kof apical impulse详细»
心开窍于舌The tongue is the aperture to the heart;The tongue is the orifice to the heart;The tongue serves as the window of the heart;The tougue is the window of the heart;the tongue as the window of the heart详细»
心律heart rhythm详细»
心律失常arrhythmia;arrhythmia cordis;cardiac arrhythmia;timid arrhythmia详细»
心怕热邪The heart fears the pathogeicinc heat详细»
心性气喘综合征cardiac astma syndrome详细»
心息相依coordination of mental activities and breathing详细»
心悸heart palpitation;palpitate;palpitation of the heart详细»
心悸动vigorous heart beat;vigorous heart-beat详细»
心悸是心脏病的预兆palpitaton is a warning of heart trouble详细»
心情不好be in bad etmper详细»
心情好be in good temper详细»
心情沉重地with a heavy heart详细»
心情舒畅keep ease of the mind;keep the mind at ease详细»
心情轻松愉快地with a light heart详细»
心慌意乱all in a flutter详细»
心房停止auricular arrest详细»
心房内传导障碍intra-auricular conductional block详细»
心房纤颤auricular fibrillatin详细»
心扩张dilatation of the heart详细»
心搏heart beat详细»