
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第161页

其他金属的硫化物SULFIDE(S) of other metals详细?
其它人类环境other human environment详细?
其它类型的手推车cart,other hand cart详细?
具备成分分散方法with dispensing means for ingredients详细?
具备电磁石的离合器clutch with electromagnet详细?
具备空气消毒功能的空调设备air conditioning plant with air sterilization详细?
具备非球面外观的实体透镜objective with lenses having aspherical faces详细?
具有往复式环状带刀的牵引式割草机tractor mower with reciprocating endless belt cutters详细?
具有成分分配方法with dispensing means for ingredients详细?
具有扩展基极的电阻resistor,electric with extending base详细?
具有抽出或不凝结型being of extraction or non-condensing type详细?
具有支撑外形的背靠椅back-rest with supporting profile for chairs详细?
具有故障防护功能的测量仪器measuring apparatus with provisions for safeguarding against breakdowns详细?
具有整体凸缘部分的密封圈seat ring with integral flange part详细?
具有旋转刀片的with rotary knives详细?
具有曲线断面的零件的集装箱container of components with a curved cross-section详细?
具有未知或不完全确定的组成of unknown or incompletely defined composition详细?
具有机械驱动的饵bait with mechanical drive详细?
具有枷式结构的脱粒机threshing machine with flails详细?
具有水平筛板分馏塔fractionating column with horizontal sieve plates详细?
具有水流闸的储水池brake-fluid reservoir详细?
具有永久磁性having permanent magnet详细?
具有汞的汞催化剂catalysts of mercury with mercury详细?
具有治疗用途for therapeutic purposes详细?
具有浓缩蒸汽发动机的蒸汽发动机设备steam engine plant with condensing steam engine详细?
具有液体传输链的压缩机compressor having fluid-transmitting link详细?
具有液体池阴极的放电管discharge tube with liquid-pool cathode详细?
具有混凝土、粘土、石膏及其它成型产品的切割方法的模具mould with cutting means for moulded products of concrete,clay,gypsum and the like详细?