
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第162页

具有灭弧流体压力的电源开关power switch having arc-extinguishing fluid pressure produced by arcs详细?
具有爪形杆和永磁性能的同步机械synchronous machine having claw poles and permanent magnet详细?
具有特殊效果with special effect详细?
具有球状部件的离合器disconnecting clutch with intermediate balls详细?
具有由电弧产生的电弧灭火液压力的电源开关power switch having arc-extinguishing fluid pressure produced by arcs详细?
具有电光元件的过滤器filters with electro-optic elements详细?
具有电容器的交流/交流换流器ac/ac converter having capacitors详细?
具有电源协助的控制连接control linkages with power assistance详细?
具有矫正作用的肩带shoulder brace,orthopaedic详细?
具有短路线匝的恒定磁场同步电机synchronous motor having permanent magnet,having short-circuited详细?
具有硅氧键的缩聚物的组成compositions of condensation polymers having siloxane bonds详细?
具有磁控制方法的真空管vacuum tube with magnetic control means详细?
具有磁路闭路冷却功能的定子、机器、stator with closed-circuit cooling in magnetic circuit,machine,详细?
具有移动出口元素,偏差元素with moving outlet elements,deflecting elements详细?
具有空心电枢的整流子式电机commutator machine having air-core armature详细?
具有空气过滤功能的空调装置air conditioning plant with air filtration详细?
具有类似用途for similar purposes as well详细?
具有累进运动的机构apparatus with progressive movement详细?
具有胺和碳的钠化合物或钾化合物sodium compounds or potassium compounds with amines and carbon详细?
具有自动刀刃的手持刀具hand knife with motor-driven blade详细?
具有螺旋弹簧和弹簧的机车悬架vehicle suspension with helical springs and springs详细?
具有触点和弹簧夹触点的杠杆开关lever switch with contacts and spring-clip contacts详细?
具有起重机械装置的车库式移动千斤顶garage-type mobile jack with mechanical lifting gear详细?
具有转动柱体的复印机duplicating machine with rotary cylinders for the master详细?
具有辅助电源的调整器regulator with auxiliary power详细?
具有配料分送工具的饮料制造机beverage-making apparatus with dispensing means for ingredients详细?
具有金属弹簧的鞋后跟heel with metal springs详细?
具有针尖连接头电缆末端片cable end piece with needle-point connection详细?
具有针筒的循环针织机circular knitting machine with a needlecylinder详细?
具有锥形磨擦表面的离合器clutch with conical friction surfaces详细?